Sunday, August 31, 2008

One of a kind pair of shoes ;)

Well I used to love these shoes. They were originally white pleather/leather. I forgot to take a picture of the originals but they were pretty gross from my college years. I wasn't even sure if they would come apart ok but they did. They are recovered with a cherry blossom print (paper). It was $3. I had it lying around and thought why not? I still have to put a seal over the paper. Now what to wear them with? hmmm....

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Oh yeah....

I told you I'd forget about this place. I was just cleaning up my bookmarks and stumbled upon this. (By the way if you didn't know already the StumbleUpon application for Firefox is pretty cool. You can just surf the internet and find the most interesting things.) I'll come back soon and fill in what's been going on since my last post. A LOT!