Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Aaron's Survey Book.

My husband asked me to cover his survey book for school. Everyone in the class has a yellow book they have to carry around. So I thought about it for about a minute, jumped up and went straight to the spare room. Dug out the MN map I knew we had and started cutting it up. I wish I would have used water or remote land for the base cover. That is why I added the blue strips from around of the edges of the map, to the edges of the state I cut out. I was a fun quick cover that pry took an hour to make.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Mini Hanging Light.

This was just a test run for a bigger light I plan on making. This light is made with about 45 little plastic shot glasses and staples. The electrical side of it was handmade and wrapped in white electrical tape. For a faster fix you could just buy a night light and an extension cord. It was a fun project. I can't wait to make the next one.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Minneapolis, MN Skyline

Above is the finalized version, for now. Below is the progression of the project.

Oil Pastel

Testing out the new pastels.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lighting Gels on my light box.

I had some lighting gel samples and decided I needed to do something with it. I still have to flip it over and use clear tape.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This is what happens when I get bored...

The design is my initials JH. It was fun but I recommend using superglue OUTDOORS. Nail polish remover is great for getting superglue off your fingers too...